How do I give a good presentation?

Yesterday it was that time again. I shared that I work as a coach for presentation techniques. A researcher promptly asked me: "What is the most important factor when giving a presentation?"

How do I give a good presentation (c) Can Stock Photo / gstockstudio

So, what is actually the most important aspect when delivering a presentation?

Well, I had to think for a moment. What I know to be true from my experience coaching is that everyone needs something different. This includes a variety of skills including: public speaking skills, presence, navigating PowerPoint, proficiency in the use of technology, e.g. microphone, persuasion, etc. In order to give a really good and engaging presentation, everyone has to develop their own style. A professional perspective from the outside is often helpful to provide the right suggestions and constructive feedback. However, you cannot say: "Make big gestures, speak loud enough and the presentation will be good." That would be very simple… .

«You should have fun while presenting! Enjoy it!»

It turns out I was able to answer the question pretty clearly: «You need fun! You need to enjoy the presentation and the act of presenting! " Enjoying what you do is also important in other aspects of a job. But, in some other areas you can at least cover up a lack of enthusiasm for a while. Unfortunately, this is not possible when presenting. The audience immediately feels whether you are passionate about your content or not.

This is also the approach that I use in my work: Teaching people (again) the joy of presenting - in addition to many other practical tips, of course.

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